- What does the adoption process look like?
- What are my rights and responsibilities when choosing adoption for my child?
- What legal steps need to be taken regarding adoption?
- What would my role look like if I chose adoption for my child?
Pregnancy Services:
Support For Expectant And New Parents
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and each one is unique in how it operates.
Whether you are currently pregnant or your baby has already arrived, NCHS’s Pregnancy Services helps you make the best decision for you and your child. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps you can take to access the support and resources you need for a healthy pregnancy or transition to parenthood.
You’ve Found Out You’re Pregnant, Now What?
Pregnancy turns the whole world upside down, whether meticulously planned or unintentional. New and expecting parents often have many questions and concerns, especially when the pregnancy comes as a surprise. This new chapter in your life can seem overwhelming, but we’re here to help you find the clarity and confidence you need to move forward.
The first thing that needs to happen is to take a moment to breathe and step back to reflect on this news. Undoubtedly you’ll be juggling many emotions, and you need to be patient with yourself and give yourself the time and space needed to process these thoughts.
Speak with your loved ones or family about the news, and lean on those you trust for support while deciding what is best for you moving forward. Caring for your mental and physical health is crucial in a time like this. That’s where we can come in to help.
Challenges New and Expecting Parents Face
Pregnancy and new parenthood pose many challenges to individuals that they might not have faced before. Whether it’s your first pregnancy or you already have children, chances are you’re feeling nervous about the road ahead.
Something we often find when we work with expecting parents and new parents is that there seems to be a stigma attached to discussing the anxieties surrounding pregnancy and parenthood and some of the struggles that occur even after birth. Our goal as an organization is to break down these stigmas and create an open dialogue so that individuals can access the support and get the advice they need.
NCHS works to connect expecting and new parents with support to address concerns like:
- Feelings of anxiety over pregnancy and labor
- Building a support group before and after delivery
- Navigating struggles during pregnancy and after childbirth, such as postpartum depression
- Why didn’t my parents want to keep me?
- Why didn’t my parents want to keep me?
No matter how you feel, you can be certain that you are not alone. Our team is here to help provide answers and connect you to the support and community connections you need to feel confident and comfortable in your role.
Who Do Our Pregnancy Services Programs Serve?
Our pregnancy services are available to a range of individuals. While many of our services aim to assist expecting parents with crafting a plan for proceeding and accessing the tools they need throughout their pregnancy, there are numerous resources that parents can utilize, even after birth. At NCHS, we understand that the challenges parents face don’t go away after labor and delivery. That’s why we’ve worked to consolidate a variety of services that can benefit new parents, too. If you’re wondering whether our pregnancy services program can serve you, be sure to check out our list of resources and support below.
How Pregnancy Services Can Support You
Our comprehensive pregnancy services program is here to help meet you where you are and guide you through the steps toward making a healthy, informed decision for you and your family.
NCHS offers support in areas like:
Accessing Parental Care
One of the most important parts of pregnancy is ensuring that the mother takes care of her health and has access to the prenatal care she needs for a healthy pregnancy. Through our pregnancy services, expecting parents can access care to ensure that both the mother and child maintain a healthy and viable pregnancy. After delivery, our services ensure that the parents and families maintain strong mental health.
Connecting To Community Resources
Many expecting and new parents feel as if they are alone in their journey. With NCHS, this couldn’t be further from the truth. We have a plethora of resources and connections available to assist you with building out your support system. With access to community resources for mental health services and prenatal care, expecting parents can be confident they are taking care of their health leading up to delivery.
Additionally, our birth parent support groups help you connect with people who have recently undergone a similar situation. Hearing from these individuals helps you to feel less isolated as you navigate your new role as a parent. If you’d rather not rely upon group support, our services also offer one-on-one education and support where you can speak freely in a completely confidential environment.
Educational Resources
One of the best things you can do when expecting or transitioning to parenthood is arming yourself with as much information and knowledge as possible. NCHS provides a range of educational resources and courses designed to help you feel confident and comfortable as you move forward in your choice.
Guidance & Legal Information Regarding
Parenting/Adoption Rights and Responsibilities
If this is your first pregnancy, chances are you have many questions regarding what legal rights certain decisions allow as you create your plan to move forward. There are many factors to understand when making an informed decision. Our team is equipped with the resources and the knowledge to help advise and guide you as you research and make decisions that will impact your life moving forward.
For those considering adoption, here are other questions you may have:
Our specialists are here to help answer any questions you might have. While each situation is unique when it comes to adoption, NCHS has access to the tools and resources you need to make your decision.
Resources On The Options Of Parenting And Adoption
Everyone has the right to decide what they feel is best for themselves and their families. Our NCHS team is equipped with the resources and information you need to answer your questions and help guide you through this process.
Temporary Newborn Care As You Make An
Informed Decision
For a short period of time after birth, NCHS offers temporary newborn care. This short-term care gives parents the time and space to decide whether they would like to raise the baby themselves or look into adoption as an option. Parents can rest assured that our newborn care families will provide excellent care to the newborn baby so that you can take time to process your thoughts and feelings and finalize a decision moving forward.
Education and Support
The pregnancy services program offers one-on-one pregnancy support to help you during one of the most critical times of your life and guide you to an outcome that works for you and your loved ones. Our free and confidential pregnancy services means expecting and new parents have access to specialists who can help them navigate the changes in their lives, as well as manage the emotions they’re experiencing. At NCHS, we aim to demystify the struggles that expecting and new mothers face. It is not always easy undergoing such a significant change in your life. Take care in knowing that we have a team standing by to help you build healthy strategies for facing challenges like mental health struggles and postpartum depression.
The bottom line is: you are not alone in this journey.
NCHS has helped thousands of women to navigate unexpected pregnancies and get the resources to plan their family’s future. We’ve created a supportive community and safe space for you to voice your concerns and educate yourself on the options available.
How to Get Started
It might seem scary to have to ask for help, but know that you are not alone! Every day, thousands of parents and kinship caregivers deal with the same or similar questions, hesitations, and challenges you’re facing. Together, we can overcome these hurdles and support one another in our parenting journeys.
There is no obligation, only opportunity.
Get connected with a support system, resources designed specifically for you, and a peer network, so you don’t have to do this alone. To access these resources and assistance, all it takes is a simple call or email. By calling 888.315.7347 or emailing us at kinship@nchs.org, you’ll quickly connect with a Kinship Navigation Intake Coordinator that will help to empower you on your kinship care journey.
About NCHS
Since 1893, Nebraska Children’s Home Society (NCHS) has held the fundamental belief that children come first.
By providing a variety of services, community resources, and educational programs, we work to help you make an informed decision regarding your parenting role.
Our services range from educational classes for new parents, family-centered activities to encourage fathers to become more involved in their children’s lives, support groups for grandparents caring for their grandchildren, and connections with certified specialists to help you determine the best course of action for you and your family.
Regardless of where you are in your parenting journey, we can connect you with the resources you need to strengthen your skills and make an informed decision.
To learn more about the resources and services available, reach out to our Pregnancy Services team today.
Pregnancy Services is a program of

KIN-TECH™ is an evidence-based kinship navigation practice model which is transforming communities and child welfare. KIN-TECH™ is a registered trademark of the Children’s Home Network used here by permission.